Tuesday, August 12, 2008

#5: Big Huge Labs and Flickr

I was overwhelmed with how many apps there were and each one of them is more impressive than the other.

I was however drawn straight away to http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/
where you can create a pho
to mosaics from photos found on your Flickr. I didn't realize how simple it was that I didn't need to register again and that it signed me up by using my Flickr account, I then chose the images I have uploaded recently to Flickr through this to do amazing ways of looking at my photos at once.

Please follow the link below to see what I have created in my Flickr using this amazing and easy to use tool:


I had to come back to this exercise after few hours as I wanted to do something more funky so I decided to do of the same photos I created above a
Here is the link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29011475@N03/2744518407/

It was easy to follow and have definitely enjoyed it.

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