Saturday, September 27, 2008

Exercise #23 I have reached my 23rd thing

My favorite exercises would have to be the ones where you create different images or words together such as Jigsaw and world clouds, they are definitely fun to do and you see results afterwards that are remarkable.

I must admit I have learned a lot despite the fact that it was time consuming and some difficulties at times but it has definitely affected my lifelong learning goals and have learned a lot such as flickers, RSS feeds,, Technorati, blogs, Facebook and many more. Some of which I will definitely go back and use again where is others I may not consider using but great to know about even as a basic knowledge for future reference.

When I first started doing my first exercise I really was worried about how the whole program will go as it was hard enough to find the time yet to learn new things in a very short period of time and write blogs about them. I must admit I am surprised how the time flew and have managed to get to my last exercise and here I am writing my last blog. What a great feeling for sure.

1 comment:

NSL Training Support Team said...

Congratulations on reaching the 23rd thing!
The time and effort you have put in has paid off - you have made an excellent blog with lots of interesting comments. Well done!